The preferred connection is to most negative constant potential in your system. 建议在你的系统连接到恒定最负电位。
Financiers and structured finance professionals were aware of the negative potential of risky loans. 金融家和结构性融资专业人士清楚高风险贷款的潜在负面影响。
Relating to or formed with the infinitive. Reasons of Unparalleled Affirmative and Negative for Potential Mood of Complement 补语的可能式的肯定式与否定式不平行的原因
Ratio of Negative Summating Potential to Action Potential in Cochlea and Hydrolabyrinth 耳蜗负和电位与动作电位比值与膜迷路积水
This flexing generates a negative potential at the feedback tab, which feeds back to the base of the transistor. 这个弯曲在反应标记上产生负电压,其反过来为晶体管的基极供电。
You may say, gee,-that's sort of a strange thing& negative potential energy. 你也许会说,上帝啊,这可真奇怪-,负的势能。
The experimental results showed that the diffusion controlling step is rating determining step when the cathodic potential shifts to more negative potential in nickel plating. 结果表明,在阴极电极电位极化较负时,电沉积镍过程的控制性步骤是镍离子(Ni~(2+))的扩散步骤。
The inactivation curve was moved to more negative potential and the recovery curve was delayed. Oxy使失活曲线向负电位方向变化,并使灭活后恢复过程延迟;
ERG consisted of four parts in the compound eyes of P. japonica: on light reaction, positive potential, long negative potential and off light reaction, but the off light reaction was very small and was hardly seen. 龟纹瓢虫成虫复眼的ERG波形成分一般由4个部分组成:开光反应、正相电位、持续负电位和闭光反应,但闭光反应较小,不易看见。
The temporal and spatial evolution of a dusty plasma sheath in plasma source ion implantation has been investigated with a fluid theory and a self-consistent dust-charging model. A negative potential pulse is introduced to form the plasma sheath. 采用流体模型及自洽的尘埃粒子充电模型,我们研究了等离子体源离子注入时的尘埃等离子体鞘层的时空演化。
The high negative potential of lithium does make corresponding demands on the reduction stability of the electrolyte. 锂的负电位高,使得对电解质的还原稳定性需提出相应的要求。
In general, the electrodeposition of metal ions depends mainly upon their electrode potentials. However, in a solution of mixed metallic ions, sometimes there occurs preferentially deposition of metals with more negative electrode potential. 一般说来,金属离子的电沉积基本上决定于金属与相应离子的电极电位,但是在混合离子溶液中有时会遇到电极电位较负的金属优先析出的异常现象。
The results indicate that the conductance and the resonant splitting are dependent on the structural dimension, the number of quantum dots and the strength of negative potential. 计算结果表明,电导图谱及其共振峰的劈裂依赖于量子点的几何尺寸、量子点的数目及量子点中势的大小。
The measured axial potential profile shows that the axisymmetric negative plasma potential tandem mirror confinement configuration has been established; 测得的等离子体电位轴向分布表明,该装置中能够建立起负电位轴对称串级镜约束位形;
The middle section of the conglomerate reservoir has high resistivity and apparent negative spontaneous potential. 在砾岩集中段,电阻率曲线均为高阻,自然电位曲线呈现明显的负值。
In the solution of NaClO_4, Ox has a well defined single-sweep polarographic wave P_1 After the addition of Tb~ ( 3+) a new wave P_2 appears at more negative potential. 在高氯酸钠底液中,Ox在单扫示波极谱上有一个稳定的还原波P1,加入Tb~(3+)后,P1降低,而在后面出现一个新波P2。
The electrokinetic potential measurement results show that they can adsorb on the negative charged surfaces of kaolinite and diaspore to increase their negative electrokinetic potential, showing a hydrogen bonding force or chemical force between the reagents and the minerals. 两种大分子药剂属于阴离子型,动电位测定结果表明,它们在带负电的高岭石、一水硬铝石表面吸附,使其动电位负性增加,表明药剂与矿物存在氢键力或化学作用力。
Changes of positive and negative summating potential before and after impulse sound exposure in guinea pig cochlea 脉冲声暴露前后豚鼠耳蜗正、负和电位的变化
However, an intensive second-discharge phenomenon is observed under high negative potential, which increases porosity of the film and leads to the decrease of the corrosion resistance. 而高负电压会加速成膜速度并导致较为剧烈的二次放电现象,使膜的致密性降低,从而降低膜的性能。
In the broad range of pH, the negative potential of hard kaolin is lower than that of soft kaolin. 在较宽的pH值范围,硬质高岭土比软质高岭土的电位低。
The scotopic threshold response ( STR) is a negative potential to low intensity light recorded from the dark-adapted retina. 暗视阈值反应(STR)是完全暗适应状态下.很弱刺激光强记录到的潜伏期很长、振幅很小的负相渡。
The results indicate that with the increasing in temperature, the stable zone of α-Fe_2O_3 and Fe_3O_4 move to low pH zone and the stable zone of iron move to the negative potential direction. 分析结果表明随着温度的升高α&Fe2O3和Fe3O4的稳定区向低pH值方向移动,铁的稳定区缩小向负电位方向移动,碱性腐蚀区扩大。
Aluminum anodes are tending to be more negative potential, higher utilization ratio and good resistence to disturbance arising from impurities inside aluminum. 铝阳极正朝着电位更负、利用率更高以及抗铝中杂质干扰的方向发展。
It is benefit to enhance the gain of cochlear amplifier when the positive potential is increased on the top of outer hair cells, but the extrinsic negative potential should significantly decrease the gain of cochlear amplifier. 适当提高外毛细胞顶端正电位,有助于提高耳蜗放大器的增益。外加负电位则严重影响耳蜗放大器的增益。
The results showed that the corrosion resistance of aluminum alloy is relative to their free corrosion potential in quiescent seawater, the Al alloy with a more negative potential has a higher corrosion resistance. 研究结果表明:在静止海水中,铝合金的耐蚀性与其自然腐蚀电位值存在一定的相关性,电位越负越耐蚀。
Cu ( ssal)~ ( 2+)_2 complex mediate generation of reactive oxygen species from O_2 by the redox reaction in negative potential, these radicals are capable of damaging DNA. 铜(Ⅱ)-磺基水杨酸配合物在控制的-0.4V电位下,Cu(ssal)2+2作为媒介通过电化学反应产生活性氧自由基O2·,氧自由基可以切割DNA。
When near ground arises negative potential vorticity disturbance, precipitation also weaken. 当近地面出现负的位涡扰动时,降水随之也减弱。
Aluminum has more negative potential, higher capacitance, cheaper price, and the development of aluminum as sacrificial anode and anode of the aluminum/ air battery very rapid. 铝因为具有电位较负、电容量高、价格低廉等特点,作为阴极保护用牺牲阳极和铝/空气电池阳极发展很快。